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Report On Health And Safety Conference Held In Liverpool

"Pro-business newspapers continue to reinforce the message that safety is not good for business, a waste of money and resources; this leads to societal acceptance of the downgrading of health and safety regulation and continuous HSE budgetary cuts."

So reads the first paragraph in Derek Maylor's written report on the Institute of Employement Rights conference held in October in Liverpool. The conference brought together delegates from CWU, Unite, Unison, USDAW and some whom were attributed to their business.

Pic: Carolyn JonesDerek's report begins by introducing the IER:

"Carolyn Jones, Director IER, opened the conference describing the work of the Institute of Employment Rights as being a think tank for the labour movement as well as a charity. They provide informed debate on trade union rights and labour law by providing information, critical analysis, and policy ideas through a network of academics, researchers and legal advisers."

Guest speakers included, Hilda Palmer from Hazards and Steve Tombs, Professor of Criminology at the Open University who is the author of “Making ‘Better Regulation’: the assault on health and safety protection"

Derek Maylor is the Chair of the North West BT Unions Health and Safety Co-ord, and his full report of the event can be downloaded and read here


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